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March 16, 6:30 Pm - 8:30 PM at The Compleat Naturalist, 2 Brook Street, Historic Biltmore Village in Asheville, NC - An Evening with Don Wells, author of Mystery of the Trees. In this program and book party, Wells offers an informal presentation exploring the subject of his unique book covering six years of research and documentation in a segment of the cultural heritage of the Indians that is rapidly disappearing. This is a story about curious, oddly shaped trees that were used by Indians to guide themselves across the North American Continent, to trade, to hunt, to communicate with other tribes and to gather plants for medicines. Some of these trees can still be found marking old Indian Trails. The research includes a program of Mountains Stewards called the Trail Tree Project, that has created a database to record information about trail trees across the American continent
This event is free and open to the public; light refreshments will be available.
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