October 27 The Compleat Naturalist hosts a "Tree Teams" specimen sorting event with DLIA. Discover Life in America (DLIA) is the non-profit organization overseeing the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Attendees will assist with the sorting of specimens collected in a study of arthropods and other invertebrates in high elevation beech forests.
This is a great opportunity for people with all backgrounds to learn first hand about arthropods. A rare St Lawrence tiger moth in its even rarer caterpillar form have already been found and there is excitement about what else may be found at this event.
You do not need a science background; just come with sharp eyes and a willingness to learn (like any good naturalist!). This event is free, but notification of attendance is requested, so please call (828) 274-5430 with confirmation.

You do not need a science background; just come with sharp eyes and a willingness to learn (like any good naturalist!). This event is free, but notification of attendance is requested, so please call (828) 274-5430 with confirmation.
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