HIDDEN FIGURES is the incredible untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle MonĂ¡e)-brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.
Jan 20th - Feb 2nd:
FRI, SAT, TUE, WED, THU 3:30, 7:00.
SUN 1:00 PM
Closed Monday.
$6 Movie Tickets on Tuesday.
$2.50 Shock Top pints on Wednesday.
$5 Lunch Plates on Sunday.
Doors open 40 minutes before show time. Arriving at least
20 to 30 minutes prior to show time if you plan to eat or if you
have a group of three or more and want to sit together is recommended. Reservations
are encouraged but not always required. Seating is first-come,
first-served, general admission -even if you have a reservation. The
phone number is (828) 697-2463, answered during open hours except when seating for a show. Tickets are $8.75 for all shows, all ages. The "Bistro" Cinema serves burgers, sandwiches, fresh Orville Reddenbacher's® popcorn, nachos, Green River BBQ, plus wine and local brews.
Don't miss the upcoming
13th Annual Golden Globe and Oscar Series